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New-Year’s-Mask_brookeduckart by Brooke Duckart, flickr

This special has received some criticism, but honestly, my first time watching it without the jading influence of the nitpickers, I loved it. Female comics pack up 2020 in the way it deserves: With a spiked heel or laced-up boot to the backside.

One thing I liked about it, besides the line-up and cathartic hilarity, is that it acknowledges the things we’ve had to say good bye to for the foreseeable future, things that are good, things that have to do with our social selves.

But mostly, these ladies make short work of the things better off dead, things that never should have been alive in the first place. And they do so with comedic brilliance.

Watch it with what remains of your liquor and/or whatever mixer can be found at the back of your refrigerator.

You’re welcome. lol.

