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Dear Mother,

It has become a habit to write and though I am afraid you are no more, your spirit lingers in the valley. The government lost control of the dam during the flooding and our old haunts were revealed though the lowlier huts such as ours are gone forever. Inimical to my journey has been my precarious status though I have learned that with wealth, even a suspicious woman can carry a basket of dissidents to touch down on the stone hand of the bodhisattva.


I am revisiting a story concept I started working on a few years ago that I abandoned for other projects. My recent involvement in Mastodon has seen me coming across science fiction and fantasy writers who have an interest in creating and sharing bits and pieces of work inspired by visual and word prompts. This activity has helped me envision a new approach to old material. Though I won’t be posting my rewrites fully, these have been amazing exercises I hope to share with you. This picture prompt along with the word “inimical” inspired me to begin. These pieces will be approximately 100 words, most of them more precisely 110-120 which is about the length of a post on Mastodon.